Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New town, new school, and now new doctors!

Well if you weren't aware we moved and now that we are in a new town and officially in a new school, we are now meeting our new pediatrician today! Wish us luck so far the new experiences have been a little scary for my oldest Riley and he's not to thrilled about the new doc! It was suppose to be a new patient visit but pray that he will treat my sick kids because as of yesterday afternoon, Emerson awoke form his nap with a 101 fever. Then the evening progressed and Emerson's fever spiked and he threw up, only once so I was thankful for that and that we contained the mess. All the while Riley has had a cough which tends to turn to croupy cough so a we slept with Emerson in bed we, well not me Scott heard Riley hacking his head off. By the time I heard it he was having a hard time breathing and was wheezing like crazy, so I did what doctors tell you not to...I was scared so I did a breathing treatment of Brody's on him and he stopped coughing almost automatically, so after his dose of Tylenol for his fever, we were back off to bed..Only for us to woke up once more by Emerson and after his dose of Motrin, back too bed. Now were chilling at the house waiting till appointment time at 2 p.m. and getting out info so I can fill out all the new paper work and meet the boys new pediatrician so say a little prayer.


Angela Vaughn said...

Bless your heart. I hope everyone gets better fast!

Super B's Mom said...

Bless your heart. We've been dealing with the germy-germs at our house too. Blah.

Hope the dr. visit went well!

paula said...

oh my, no fun at all. hope they are all better by now.

Meagan said...

Yes guys they are better but guess who got sick this weekend, while my hubby was off all weekend...ME! Don't you just love kids and all their germs and to think I cloroxed and lysoled the heck out of everything....Pointless I guess

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