Friday, May 4, 2012

The so called leader of the house hold...

Hello all.. This is the leader of the Schaefer tribe. Meg took the kids to school today like always and she let me sleep in. I love getting on her page and reading her post. She is the real deal as she writes and it's interesting sometimes I have a chance to understand her true feelings on issues we are going through. Meg is great she does take care of her household and puts her stress aside just to keep things from derailing off the tracks. I, as her husband try my best to take care of her, yet sometimes fail. The last 12 years of my life have most certainly been a learning experence. The most important part of my life is my relationship with our maker. The second most is Meg and then my family. Sounds pretty basic and ordinary I know. I want to share for a moment the depth of our relationship with God, should be. Most of you may know and be at a much deeper point, but I'm a slow learner, very slow. I'm to be the leader of this tribe, at first I was gun ho about the role. We just got married and she was hot (still is) we had a plan and a new carreer only thing is the plan had just enough of God in it to satisfy the world. Leadership was the task I have learned in the last 12 years, and still learning. To serve my God and my wife. I'll share more soon. I think true leadership and real men of God are the only hope for this world. I'm trying to get there..

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