Saturday, December 6, 2008

We've made it......

We'll we have made the move successfully with the Lords help and with the help of family and friends...Friends who have been there through thick and thin and who have moved us over and over again...WE LOVE the new house and most important we can afford it...HELLO in this day and time that's very important and as a stay at home mom who loves being with her boys, I wouldn't stay in any house if it meant I weren't able to stay with my children. I can't imagine life without them and our heavenly father has made it possible despite are shortcomings and failures. He sure is a merciful father and very gracious I might add...Along with our blessings we have experienced a great miracle with our friends George and Kristen child, baby Jack , who was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the young age of 14 months , with successful removal and rare benign results...Isn't the Lord good... I will start blogging more now that we've made the move and things are starting to shape up...Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and baby Jack so that he can live a long healthy life! Here is a pic of me and my friend Kristen days before she had to go through what I would say the hardest part of life watching our children and not having control over the outcomes thank God for our heavenly father and the many thoughts and prayers!


Kristen said...

Hey girl. I'm so glad you got moved and are loving the new home. Thanks for all the prayers for Jack. He's doing great. (you probably got to see for yourself on Sunday) He goes back on Feb. 12th for an MRI.

I had a BLAST at the nkotb concert. I think God must have knew I needed that great night because the ones that followed were the worst I'd ever experienced. Please continue to remember Jack in your prayers.

Meagan said...

Hey momma I sure will keep your little man in my prayers, but will also keep my friend and mother who needs support..I love you and your family and am so glad we got to act like crazy little girls for a night...Call me anytime..I'll email you my new number!

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